When it comes to food, all products eventually perish, but freeze-drying offers an excellent method to preserve them, creating new market opportunities. VFD has extensive experience in toll freeze-drying for local farms and producers, and we’ve worked with a wide variety of Canadian crops. Our expertise spans freeze-drying strawberries, blueberries, haskaps, raspberries, apples, cranberries, royal jelly, mushrooms, and sea mosses, among others.
We offer comprehensive services, including freeze-drying, grinding, milling, bulk packaging, and retail packaging. With a daily capacity of 5 tons, we can handle large-scale production needs. Additionally, we provide bench-scale tests with a detailed freeze-drying report before committing to full production, ensuring optimal results.
Whether your products are coming in frozen or fresh, VFD ensures that your ingredients are preserved at their highest quality, allowing you to tap into the growing demand for freeze-dried products.